I dislike sewing. Therefore, I wasn't sure what possessed me to buy an unnaturally large amount of flannel. I think that it was brought on by the limitations placed upon me by summer of stash, if I can't buy yarn flannel will do. It turns out that Acquiring 54+ yards of flannel was the easy part..... making them into blankets for the Preemie Project turned out to be a little more complicated. I couldn't get the blankets to feed through the sewing machine. However, I could get the machine to sew if I pulled the blankets through using quasi-Herculean strength. Therefore, I stopped quickly and put "fix sewing machine" on the to-do list.
My friends mother was in town this week and she is an experienced seamstress so I asked her to take a look at my machine. Within ten minutes she had the thing working again. It turns out that it wasn't broken as I had believed but rather I had thread the bobbin backwards and if you do that the machine won't feed.
Now that the machine has been fixed I have been sewing with a vengeance. I got all of the boys blankets done and two of the girls' large blankets. It looks like I won't have any problem making the August 1st donation date. The pile pictured below is the finished blankets. There are 10 large blankets (at least 30x30) and 11 small blankets (at least 20x20).

Great job on the blankets! And so many too. Do you live close enough to attend TPP sewing workdays? I'm going to fly in to be there. Would love to meet you in person!
glad you fix comment options! And wow, so many blankets! Great!
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