This post requires a bit of a back story. It all begins when Jamie and I snuck away from work to a local coffee house for some Bubble Tea (essentially a fruit smoothie with chewy tapioca balls.... don't judge it till you've tried it!) and some knitting. We were knitting (and purling) away discussing future projects we may do. Particularly, things in the Harry Potter realm. The conversation went a little something like this.....
Jamie: "I think I may try a Harry Potter sweater soon"
Me: "I cast one of those on"
Jamie: "and I still have that yarn for my Harry Potter scarf, I should make that"
Me: "I recently cast on a Harry Potter scarf"
Jamie: "Exactly how many things do you have cast on?"
Me: "ummmm..... a few"
(the above conversation was edited significantly in order to make it fit in this post. In truth our conversations are never this linear nor this boring). Suffice it to say that I admitted to having at least 7 things cast on. By the end of this conversation Jamie was chuckling anytime I said the words "cast on". She instructed me to go home and take a picture of all the things I had cast on currently. I told her I would do it after I got my shawl yarn so that I could cast on the one stitch it takes to start my shawl (which isn't exactly true now that I have switched patterns. However, I digress). So here it is, the obligatory post with picture of all the things I have currently cast on

In actuality I have 10 things cast on at the moment in this picture. They are (starting at the 12:00 position with the hot pink yarn and going clock wise)
1. Mittens for warm woolies (hot pink)
2. My second square for Papa's quilt (dark green wool in between hot pink and turquoise)
3. Fuzzy Feet (turquoise)
4. Felted bag (red next to turquoise)
5. Sweater for baby zach (Olive)
6. Baby blanket for baby Zach (beige and the only one that looks worked on)
7. Harry Potter sweater (dark brown)
8. Socks for Trek along with me (in between the dark brown and the yellow)
9. Harry Potter scarf in hufflepuff colors (yellow)
10. In the middle is the shawl with one cast on stitch (blue, and just for you Jamie!)
So there you have it. I am addicted to casting on it appears the only things I actually finish are things for the preemie project. Jamie asked me why I did this during our knitting adventure last week and I think that it is the promise of a new project. I love buying yarn and the optimism that comes with the cast on. It is the sweet moment before the crying, cursing, frogging, and frustration to come. Call me crazy. However, it is impossible to keep going on so many projects. Therefore I am currently limiting myself to 3 (Trek with me socks, amazing lace shawl, and blanket for baby Zach). I should probably also work on Papa's second square but I can't bring myself to do that right now.
1 comment:
Three projects at a time is manageable. You will feel you are making better progress this way. You can always throw in a hat for TPP for a little instant gratification if you get bogged down.
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