It also appears that Frankly Knit has gone to the frills. Ignore the sounds of shrieking and the man who is crying "Oh the humanity!" in the background. Yes, you have heard it here first. The woman who prides herself on serviceable knit wear that never resembles the tea cozy you see at your crazy Aunt Edna's is making......... none other than a lacy shawl.

First a brief introduction to the team members. They posed for their photo by the keyboard where it all began. Together they will travel to the ends of the state of Iowa and beyond collecting dissertation data!
The knitter (aka mastermind): Ms Frankly Knit, known to people outside computer land as Christina has a slight arrogant propensity to making functional knitwear. She has been seen outside many a local coffee house talking about how form follows function. For those not interested in design this sounds like rabble and an excessive number of F words which may illicit the F bomb. Suffice it to say that art (and design) must have first, a purpose, and that it's design must fit that purpose. So what led to a shawl (possibly the least functional item of clothing) you may ask? It could be stress, it could be temporary insanity, it could be an extreme form of bereavement. Who knows? Will her current commitment to this project hold once it starts yielding it's flowery pattern? Will she make it through the somewhat complicated and as yet completely baffling chart while driving all over the state (and perhaps a few others) to collect dissertation data?
The yarn (aka the travel journal): The yarn is knitpicks Shimmer in the color Morning Mist. 70% Baby Alpaca 30% silk and lace weight. Four skeins arrived at the last minute and are currently getting wound and ready to go!
The Pattern (aka the map): The pattern is Field of flowers designed by Evelyn Clark for Fiber Trends. Theoretically it will yield a shawl that is a 57" square (if one knits to gauge!)
The needles (aka the vehicle): Trusty addi turbos size 6 40 cms long. Let's hope these babies have enough torque for the uphill driving!
Tune in next week for pictures of team shawl at my prospectus defense (aka the starting line!)
Everyone needs a little lace in their lives. I think you will enjoy it. Have fun.
Good grief! 440yds times four skeins is 1760yds of lace that must be wound. Crazy! Did you recruit Tammy to help you?
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